
Heya! The name is Noct.I'm 20 and I'm a Hobbyist/Freelance Digital Artist! I draw things that make me happy such as my OC's and fan art from media I like. Right now I'm mainly into the Tales of series (mainly Tales of the Abyss). :)I draw with a Huion Kamvas 12 (and occasionally my phone) and Clip Studio Paint. I also recently acquired a Gen 10 iPad, so I also draw on there too!!I'm accepting commissions too! Link is here! :)



STARFALL is an Action Sci-fi Adventure Graphic Novel and has been a massive passion project of mine since 3rd or 4th grade.Please remember that STARFALL is still a major work in progress, and the plot, theme, and the like are still in the concept stages.The title "STARFALL" is also a placeholder name, but I'm not sure if it'll be changed later in development.

Concept Summary

(SUBJECT TO CHANGE; NOT FINAL)“Two young women are tasked to protect their city from a mysterious group bent on killing anyone in their path, and then eventually, destroying the very planet itself.Setting on another planet similar to Earth, the two and their confidants have to save both the lives of many and the planet itself from this supposed “terrorist group”. Along the way they face challenges and find out the secrets of who their enemy is and their motive for their destruction.“